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Contact Center Operations


Popularity represents overall trends in data relating to the quantities of customer reviews of software in the Contact Center Operations industry. While our popularity section doesn't explore user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, and language support - Yummy will have pages on those subject matters as well.

Overall Popularity

Contact Center Operations is presently the 36th most used software solutions category according to our numbers with 2,692 ratings last year. Year over year, Contact Center Operations' review count grew by 267 customer reviews to its all time high popularity ranking. Additionally, Contact Center Operations was at its minimum popularity in 2017 coming in 96th place with 151 customer reviews. Over the years, the category has amassed 8,651 total reviews. Ranking as the 36th most reviewed software category worldwide, Contact Center Operations is a fairly popular category - and this is not Contact Center Operations' first time inside our top 50.

Oldest and Newest Products in the Market

The earliest Contact Center Operations product in our records is Five9 given its earliest tracked customer review showing up in 2012. The freshest Contact Center Operations product in the market is Dialpad Contact Center with its first known review emerging in 2019.

Popularity by Country and Region

The United States uses Contact Center Operations software products more than any other nation with 4,690 reviews. The United States is trailed by India, Canada, the Philippines, and Mexico with a collective average of 359 customer reviews. Over the last year Contact Center Operations category gained popularity in the United States to become the country's 36th most reviewed category over the last year. The most heavily used Contact Center Operations products are NICE CXone with 1,986 customer reviews, Talkdesk with 1,805 reviews, and UJET with 803 reviews.

Size Matters

Many companies using Contact Center Operations software products are medium businesses, representing 48% of all customers. They are trailed by large business clients (28%), and lastly, small business clients (24%). The influence of Contact Center Operations software solutions for medium businesses appears to be thriving currently, growing by 22% over the last year. Contact Center Operations software products for small businesses have experienced an increase as well, increasing by 4% in the last year.

Popularity by Industry

The top industries for Contact Center Operations are consumer services, information technology and services, telecommunications, financial services, and computer software.



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