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E-Commerce Platforms


Popularity is used to interpret overall trends in data regarding the volume of reviews of software solutions in the E-Commerce Platforms industry. While our popularity page does not examine user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, or language support - Yummy will have pages detailing those subject matters too.

Overall Popularity

E-Commerce Platforms at the moment ranks as the 24th most popular software solutions category based on our data with 1,568 ratings last year. Year over year, E-Commerce Platforms' user base climbed 81.48%. It reached its peak popularity level in 2018 coming in 20th place with 2,203 customer reviews. Additionally, it reached its minimum popularity in 2016 coming in 26th place with 512 reviews. Over the years, the category has amassed 11,477 total reviews. As the 24th most reviewed category worldwide, E-Commerce Platforms is a highly popular category - and this is not E-Commerce Platforms' first time in the top 25. Additionally, E-Commerce Platforms reached the top ten in 2018.

Old Vs. New

The oldest E-Commerce Platforms product on our list is 2Checkout (now Verifone) with its first tracked review appearing in 2012. The most recent E-Commerce Platforms product in the market is Ecwid with its earliest tracked review materializing in 2016.

Popularity by Country and Region

The United States uses E-Commerce Platforms software more than any other nation with 7,516 reviews. The United States is followed by India, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Spain which have an overall average of 440 ratings. Over this past year E-Commerce Platforms category gained popularity in the United States to become the United States' 22nd most reviewed category in the last year. The most regularly used E-Commerce Platforms products are Shopify with 6,415 ratings, WooCommerce with 1,291 reviews, and BigCommerce with 573 reviews.

Popularity by Business Size

Many companies using E-Commerce Platforms tech are small businesses, representing 73% of all clients. They are followed by medium business customers (18%), and large businesses (9%). The adoption of E-Commerce Platforms products for small businesses appears to be growing currently, increasing by 103% over the last year. E-Commerce Platforms software products for large businesses have experienced expansion as well, swelling by 18% in the last year.

Titans of Industry

The top industries for E-Commerce Platforms are retail, apparel and fashion, marketing and advertising, information technology and services, and computer software.



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