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OS Imaging & Deployment


Popularity, in our view, represents the overall trends regarding the quantities of ratings of software in the OS Imaging & Deployment industry. While this page doesn't examine user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, and language support - we will have sections about those topics too.

Overall Popularity

OS Imaging & Deployment is currently the 504th most popular software solutions category according to our numbers with 49 ratings last year. Year over year, OS Imaging & Deployment 's review count climbed by 19 customer reviews. It achieved its highest popularity ranking in 2016 coming in 345th place with 3 reviews. But, it is currently experiencing its worst relative popularity ranking. Since 2016, the category has amassed 121 total ratings. As the 504th most reviewed category worldwide, OS Imaging & Deployment is rarefied air as one of if not the least reviewed software categories.

Oldest and Newest Products in the Market

The oldest OS Imaging & Deployment product in our records is SmartDeploy given its earliest tracked customer review appearing 6 years ago. The most recent OS Imaging & Deployment product in the category is SmartDeploy with its earliest tracked review surfacing in 2016.

Around the World

The United States uses OS Imaging & Deployment software products in greater quantities than any other nation and currently boasts 105 reviews. The United States is trailed by India, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia which have a collective average of 3 ratings. During the past year OS Imaging & Deployment category gained popularity in the United States to become the country's 440th most reviewed category over the last year. The most frequently used OS Imaging & Deployment product is SmartDeploy and currently boasts 121 customer reviews.

Size Matters

Many businesses using OS Imaging & Deployment products are medium businesses, representing 60% of all customers. They are trailed by large businesses (23%), and small business customers (17%). The usage of OS Imaging & Deployment software for medium businesses is thriving currently, growing by 100% over the past year. OS Imaging & Deployment software solutions for small businesses have experienced no change this year, which is an uncommon thing for software categories.

Titans of Industry

The top industries for OS Imaging & Deployment are education management, information technology and services, primarysecondary education, financial services, and hospital and health care.



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