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Other IT Infrastructure


Popularity, in our view, represents the overall trends in data relating to the volume of reviews about products in the Other IT Infrastructure industry. While this page doesn't explore user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, or language support - Yummy will have sections for those subject matters too.

Overall Popularity

Other IT Infrastructure at the moment ranks as the 425th most used software solutions category according to our data with 26 customer reviews last year. Year over year, Other IT Infrastructure's review count dropped by 1 ratings. It achieved its best popularity level in 2018 coming in 272nd place with 148 reviews. It's at the moment seeing its smallest relative popularity ranking. Over the years, Other IT Infrastructure has accumulated 204 total reviews. Ranking as the 425th most reviewed category worldwide, Other IT Infrastructure is a very uncommon category.

The Changing of the Guard

The earliest Other IT Infrastructure product on our list is AWS Auto Scaling given its first review turning up in 2017. The freshest Other IT Infrastructure product on our list is AWS Auto Scaling with its first tracked review breaking in 2017.

Around the World

The United States uses Other IT Infrastructure software products in greater quantities than any other nation with 152 customer reviews. The United States is followed by India, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka with an overall average of 10 customer reviews. During the past year Other IT Infrastructure category lost popularity in the United States to become the country's 380th most reviewed software category. The most heavily used Other IT Infrastructure product is AWS Auto Scaling with an impressive 204 customer reviews.

Big and Small

Many buyers of Other IT Infrastructure technology products are large businesses, accounting for 44% of all reviews. They are followed by medium business clients (37%), and lastly, small business customers (19%). The usage of Other IT Infrastructure products for large businesses is growing currently, growing by 14% in the last year. Other IT Infrastructure products for small businesses are experiencing a recession this year, falling 114% of the previous year's value.

What Is Your Favorite Industry?

The top industries for Other IT Infrastructure are information technology and services, computer software, computer and network security, higher education, and internet.



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