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Other Office


Popularity represents the overall data trends relating to the volume of reviews of products in the Other Office space. While our popularity section does not look into user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, and language support - we will have pages detailing those subject matters as well.

Overall Popularity

Other Office is presently the 247th most reviewed software category according to our calculations with 99 ratings last year. Year over year, Other Office's popularity rose 330.43%. It achieved its top popularity level in 2019 coming in 201st place with 515 reviews. On the other hand, Other Office reached its lowest popularity in 2018 coming in 373rd place with 99 customer reviews. Since 2012, Other Office has accrued 691 total customer reviews. Ranking as the 247th most reviewed category worldwide, Other Office is pretty niche category.

The Changing of the Guard

The earliest Other Office product on our list is Adobe Flash with its first known customer review showing up 10 years ago. The most recent Other Office product to the market is Adobe Flash with its earliest tracked review popping up in 2012.

Lets Take a Trip

The United States uses Other Office software at higher numbers than any other country and currently boasts 481 ratings. The United States is trailed by India, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Indonesia which have a collective average of 24 reviews. Over the past year Other Office category gained popularity in the United States to become the country's 227th most reviewed category this last year. The most heavily used Other Office product is Adobe Flash and has 691 customer reviews.

Size Matters

Many buyers of Other Office products are small businesses, accounting for 42% of all customers. They are trailed by medium business customers (31%), and bringing up the rear, large business customers (27%). The influence of Other Office software for small businesses appears to be increasing currently, increasing by 383% over the past year. Other Office software products for large businesses are experiencing growth as well, growing by 467% in the past year.

Popularity by Industry

The top industries for Other Office are education management, information technology and services, computer software, higher education, and hospital and health care.



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