Project Management
Popularity, in our view, is used to interpret the overall trends relating to the quantities of customer reviews of software in the Project Management space. While this section does not explore user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, or language support - we will have pages detailing those subjects as well.
Overall Popularity
Project Management at the moment ranks as the 4th most popular software solutions category according to our data with 12,305 customer reviews last year. Year over year, Project Management's review count grew 83.57% to its all time high popularity ranking. Alternatively, Project Management was at its lowest popularity in 2017 coming in 7th place with 5,850 customer reviews. Over the years, the category has accrued 48,126 total ratings. Ranking as the 4th most reviewed category worldwide, Project Management is a supremely popular category which has been in the top 10 since at least 2016.
In With the New and Old
The oldest Project Management product in our records is Asana with its first customer review occurring 10 years ago. The newest Project Management product in the market is Swit with its first tracked review emerging in 2019.
Popularity by Country and Region
The United States uses Project Management software products more than any other country with 30,197 ratings. The United States is followed by India, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Brazil with a collective average of 1,775 reviews. Over this past year Project Management category gained popularity in the United States to become the nation's 4th most reviewed category this last year. The most regularly used Project Management products are Asana with 10,546 customer reviews, Smartsheet with 6,597 reviews, and Basecamp with 6,428 ratings.
Popularity by Business Size
Many businesses using Project Management technology products are small businesses, representing 48% of all customers. They are followed by medium business clients (33%), and large business clients (19%). The usage of Project Management products for small businesses appears to be thriving currently, increasing by 92% in the past year. Project Management software products for large businesses have experienced expansion as well, swelling by 37% in the last year.
Titans of Industry
The top industries for Project Management are marketing and advertising, information technology and services, computer software, non profit organization management, and higher education.
Most popular
used by
Marketing and Advertising
Products offering
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entry price
product age
6 years
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