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Social Media Management


Popularity represents overall trends in data relating to the quantities of reviews of products in the Social Media Management space. While our popularity page doesn't discuss user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, or language support - Yummy will have sections about those subject matters as well.

Overall Popularity

Social Media Management is currently the 12th most used software solutions category based on our numbers with 3,654 reviews last year. Year over year, Social Media Management's user base increased 26.66%. It achieved its highest popularity level in 2016 coming in 9th place with 987 reviews. Additionally, it was at its lowest popularity in 2019 coming in 14th place with 4,217 customer reviews. In the last 10 years, Social Media Management has amassed 20,341 total ratings. Ranking as the 12th most reviewed category globally, Social Media Management is a highly popular category and has resided in the top twenty-five since at least 2016.

A Tale as Old as Time

The earliest Social Media Management product in our records is Sprout Social with its earliest known customer review appearing 10 years ago. The newest Social Media Management product to the market is POSTOPLAN with its first tracked review breaking in 2019.

Lets Take a Trip

The United States uses Social Media Management software more than any other country with 11,729 customer reviews. The United States is followed by India, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Venezuela with a collective average of 935 customer reviews. During the past year Social Media Management category gained popularity in the United States to become the United States' 13th most reviewed software category in the last year. The most frequently used Social Media Management products are Hootsuite with 3,976 reviews, Zoho Social with 2,793 ratings, and Facebook Pages Manager with 2,369 reviews.

Big and Small

Many firms using Social Media Management technology products are small businesses, making up 67% of all customers. They are followed by medium businesses (22%), and lastly, large business customers (11%). The adoption of Social Media Management software solutions for small businesses is increasing currently, swelling by 33% over the past year. Social Media Management software for large businesses have experienced diminishing popularity this year, shrinking 133% of the prior year's value.

What Is Your Favorite Industry?

The top industries for Social Media Management are marketing and advertising, information technology and services, computer software, non profit organization management, and internet.



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