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Travel Management


Popularity represents the overall data trends about the volume of reviews about software solutions in the Travel Management industry. While our popularity page does not examine user satisfaction, product affordability, competition dynamics, and language support - we will have sections detailing those subject matters too.

Overall Popularity

Travel Management currently ranks as the 55th most popular software solutions category according to our calculations with 1,403 ratings last year. Year over year, Travel Management's popularity shrunk 17.52%; however, it's at the moment at its highest relative popularity ranking. Additionally, it was at its minimum popularity in 2018 coming in 279th place with 1,403 ratings. Over the last 7 years, Travel Management has amassed 5,089 total reviews. Ranking as the 55th most reviewed software category worldwide, Travel Management is a sort of popular category.

The Changing of the Guard

The oldest Travel Management product on our list is Etta, powered by Deem given its first known customer review landing 7 years ago. The newest Travel Management product in the category is itilite with its first known review popping up in 2020.

Around the World

The United States uses Travel Management software in greater quantities than any other country and currently boasts 3,956 reviews. The United States is followed by India, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia which have a collective average of 141 customer reviews. During this last year Travel Management category lost popularity in the United States to become the country's 45th most reviewed category. The most heavily used Travel Management products are TripActions with 4,092 customer reviews, Egencia with 500 reviews, and Etta, powered by Deem with 339 customer reviews.

Popularity by Business Size

Many companies using Travel Management technology are medium businesses, representing 60% of all customers. They are trailed by large business customers (29%), and small business customers (10%). The adoption of Travel Management software for medium businesses appears to be receding currently, shrinking to 90% of the prior year's value. Travel Management software products for small businesses have experienced growth this year, swelling by 55% over the last year.

What Is Your Favorite Industry?

The top industries for Travel Management are computer software, information technology and services, marketing and advertising, financial services, and transportationtruckingrailroad.



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